i A Reader Writes... (Game On! Schools - Part 3) - Lead Your School

In response to the 11/28/2010 post, “Game On! Schools Write – Part 2,” a reader writes: OK. I’m convinced!! I’ve been reading about Game On! for a few weeks and I really want to know more about it. My campus is very poised for this type of PLC push. Where can I find out more about the details of Game On! so that I can begin with my students and teachers? We are ready… SC Response I appreciate your enthusiasm, but as any Game On! school will tell you, thinking you are ready and actually being ready are two different things. There are some specific campus and staff practices that need to be in place prior to implementation. Partially because Game On! is proprietary, but mostly because bootleg versions of Game On! fail more often than they succeed, we limit the amount of information we release publicly. However, for anyone interested (including the writer who submitted this comment), you can call the LYS office at (832) 477-LEAD or send in another comment that includes your contact information. Here’s what everyone needs to know about Game On! 1. All things being equal, LYS schools outwork their peers. 2. All things being equal, LYS schools outperform their peers. 3. All things being equal, Game On! schools outwork LYS schools. 4. All things being equal, Game On! schools outperform LYS schools. 5. Game On! is not a game. It is a campus wide commitment to work with urgency, reflection and transparency. Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…