i Make Better Use of the Time before Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break - Lead Your School

There is no question that the days immediately prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break can be some of the most difficult for educators. To be effective at these times requires all of us to be at the top of our game. But many campuses just resign themselves to the fact that nothing productive will occur during those times, which leads to LITTLE TO NOTHING PRODUCTIVE OCCURING. But not at one LYS campus. On that campus, the staff has figured out how to bring their “A” game to the classroom and make it count for something. On this campus, PDAS (summative evaluation) observations are scheduled during these periods. They are scheduled well in advance, so teachers have time to plan so they can really shine. The effect of top tier lessons and increased administrator time in the classroom, when both are needed most, has made a dramatic effect on the campus. And though it is not the only reason, since implementing this strategy, the campus has enjoyed dramatic improvements in student performance. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…