i What Do We Really Value? - Lead Your School

Here is one of my BHAG’s (big, hairy, audacious goal: read, ‘Built to Last’) for education. I believe if we keep plugging away, turning around schools, coaching school boards, and empowering educators that at some point communities and school leaders will hold their academic programs to the same high expectations of excellence that they hold their athletic programs. We expect our athletic programs to be competitive, disciplined and the players coached to perform at levels above what they can do on their own. The coach who says, “well, there is not much we can do with ‘these’ kids,” generally isn’t allowed to make it though the season. We don’t need to “Wait for Superman.” We have the capacity; we just don’t seem to have the collective will. We just need coaches to devote as much time to their content as they do to their sport. We need content teachers to devote as much time to their fragile students as coaches do with the “B” teams. We need communities to get as fired up when they have over-achieving schools as they do when they have a team on a playoff run. Put all of this in play and who knows how high we will raise the bar. But for this to happen, more of us have to step up and lead. Whether it is in your department, grade level, campus, district, homeowners association, or church, you have to be the advocate for quality instruction and improved student performance. If we aren’t willing to do this, then we can’t complain when the media, politicians and community repeatedly use us as their punching bag. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…