i A Reader Submits... Broke is Broke - Lead Your School

An Old School LYS Principal (who is now turning around his third campus, in his third district) submits: I feel as if I should share this with the LYS Nation. Never assume that just because a school is a “Recognized” campus that it cannot be broken. With the state essentially passing out accountability wildcards just for showing up, there are now 100’s of campuses that have stumbled into their rating. Purposeful change and improvement is still needed at these campuses. Yes, I know change is “scary.” But those who are “scared” can and will jump ship. Let them. Having them around will only sink the boat faster. SC Response I was recently having dinner with an icon superintendent (who was an early accountability advocate and has the scars to prove it). In one of the few times I ever seen him angry, he said that TPM is the worst thing that we have done to students in the past 25 years and he is voting against those responsible for it. My problem with TPM is that schools that have not accomplished anything of substance now believe that they have. This is in no shape, form or fashion good for students. Which brings me back to your submission. I have presented to conference audiences on the degree of difficultly in leading change on campuses, from least to most difficult. The old rating was as follows (easiest to hardest): 4) Academically Unacceptable Campus 3) Exemplary Campus 2) Acceptable Campus 1) Recognized Campus Now, I have the TPM List: 7) Academically Unacceptable Campus 6) Exemplary Campus 5) Acceptable 4) Acceptable (TPM) 3) Recognized 2) Exemplary (TPM) 1) Recognized (TPM) It seems that the less you deserve the rating, the more you embrace it. Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…