i A Reader Asks... More K, 1, and 2 Lesson Frames - Lead Your School

A LYS Principal asks the following:


I need some more examples of K, 1, and 2 Lesson Frames. My teachers are trying, but we can use a little extra help.

Thanks, LYS rocks!

SC Response
This is a great request to pass on to the LYS Nation. So all of you Elementary LYS’ers, if you have couple of great K, 1, and/or 2 Lesson Frames that you have seen or used recently on your campus, write them down or take a picture and send them to me. Then I’ll forward them to the school in need.

Plus, to sweeten the deal (if you send your mailing address), the first 20 responses will get a World Famous Lead Your School Koozie.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…