i A Reader Asks a PowerWalks Question - Lead Your School

A New LYS Principal asks: With PowerWalks, do we add comments of any kind? We have been told two different things. Some say, “Yes” to making comments and others say to “Hold off” on comments. Please advise. SC Response 1. If you send a comment to a teacher, it should be positive. 2. If you see something that concerns you in a classroom, send a note to yourself, to remind you to circle back and talk to the teacher.Here are the appropriate uses of comments based on one short classroom observation:1. Positive notes to teachers. 2. Reminders to yourself.3. Behind the scenes communication for the purpose of solving problems (ex. Mr. Jones, Ms. Smith is having problems with her computers. Please check on that.).Here are inappropriate uses of comments based one short classroom observation:1. Negative notes to teachers.Remember the power of the PowerWalks system is: 1. The trend data. 2. The coaching conversations that the trend data supports. 3. The problems that are solved when those who control resources actually observe a lot of instruction. Hope this helps. Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…