i A Rare Sighting - Lead Your School

The LYS Nation never ceases to amaze me. Last week, I witnessed something so rare that those of you in a non-LYS district will think that I am making it up. As we have been doing all summer long, we were working with a large group of teachers (all volunteers) who were mapping Critical Curricular Concepts for the upcoming year. This is dry, somewhat tedious, yet critically important detail work.

The surprise was when not one, but two, assistant superintendents arrived for the training. But they didn’t show up just to say “hi” or to make sure everyone was working. They showed up to participate. Eight hours of collaborative work with teachers, digging into the curriculum and debating what must be taught, what should be taught and what can be let go. In eight hours, these assistant superintendents did more for staff morale than could be accomplished in a decade worth of staff appreciation lunches. They found a group of teachers in their district that care enough about students and instruction that they are willing to sacrifice their vacations and free time. Then, the assistant superintendents spent the day, not watching, but working with those teachers at their campus.

If you work at central office and are sitting at your desk reading this, your competition is already out working you on the things that really matter (teaching and learning) and the start of school is still a month away.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…