i A Reader Writes... (Dress Code and More - Part 3) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “Dress Code and More – Part 1,” an LYS Principal writes:

Well said! I think in my 26 years (gulp, I am really old) as an administrator, 36 in the profession, the best lessons I have ever learned have been those from mistakes I have made. Of course, also having excellent mentors and guides, such as Cain, have helped. I have also learned so very much from those master teachers through the years who just do it right all the time and have allowed me to think I am teaching them something!

I remember my first principalship when a wise kindergarten teacher told me to just keep showing my teeth and smile. She said don’t ever let the rest of them (staff) get you down; you know the course you are on and it is good for our children. We will follow if you will lead. What an incredible gift she gave me that day! Thank you, Ruby Thomas!

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