i A Reader Writes... (Teacher Stress - Part 19) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “Teacher Stress – Part 15,” a reader writes.

“Our current central administration we are definitely not the on the same page with Brezina, et. al. Not only are the assistant superintendents clueless about what is happening on our campuses, they don’t have a clue what is happening with the next layer below them. I haven’t seen anyone from central office on my campus in at least three semesters. Our building sparkles and the staff and students are busting their tails, but they don’t know. Any recommendations we make for improvement are dismissed after minimal consideration, if not immediately.

Our ship has lost its way.”

SC Response
I have little to offer accept what I stated in a previous post, a good principal can overcome a bad system, up until the point that she gets tired or quits. I have a friend who is a homicide detective in a big city. On a regular basis he puts on a bullet proof vest and busts downs doors. I heard him ask a principal that is fighting the good fight everyday with exceptional results, “Why are you killing yourself, when your school board and central office obviously doesn’t care about what is good for you and your particular kids.”

I think the answer is we do it because it is the right thing to do. We get to “pay it forward” and change lives for the better, everyday. We also do it because those above us were once teachers and at some point they will remember who they are and step up their game again.

No bureaucratic system is perfect. Even the best districts have glitches. At the campus level, we have determine if the battle is winnable or futile. If there is a glimmer of hope, stick it out. If the system is so rotten at the core that it can’t be fixed, go to a district where you aren’t beating your head against the wall. At the district level either step up to the example someone else is setting, or better yet, become the example. Anything less and your value to the system is, at best, marginalized.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…