i Readers Write... Teacher Stress Quick Hitters - Lead Your School

In response to the posts relating to, “Teacher Stress,” the LYS Nation has sent in the following:

1. “Amen, brother.”

2. “We know that the writer is writing about us, and we are willing to own that.”

3. “Tell the LYS Nation they are on a roll.”

4. “When I don’t agree, I think I love it more.”

5. “I love the blog — it’s amazing how many of us face the same situations/challenges at schools all over!”

SC Response
In order:

1. Back at you.

2. It’s possible, but there are numerous districts that are in similar situations.

3. Just told them.

4. Same here.

5. Thus the need for the LYS Nation. Working together the job is tough. Try to do it alone and you are just throwing yourself into a meat grinder.

Keep sending in your comments and reflections, it may take a couple of days but I’ll get to you.

Finally, congratulatory shout outs to three members of the LYS Nation.

1. CM was just named to her first principalship

2. KB just assumed her first principalship

3. LT will be opening her second new campus as a principal next year.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…