i AARRGGHH! Quick Advice for AP's - Vol.1 - Lead Your School

The following is geared primarily for Assistant Principals, but the premise holds true for any school leader.

Quit being so quick to grab the pen. It’s not that I’m against written documentation, but do you really need to grab your biggest gun first?

You are most effective when you are coaching. Coaching requires frequent observation, reflection, modeling and talking. And telling someone just once is not coaching.

So here is a good rule of thumb for AP’s:

1. Unless someone is blatantly non-compliant or something is blatantly wrong, don’t talk until you have observed something enough to form a VALID opinion.

2. Unless someone is blatantly non-compliant or something is blatantly wrong, don’t write someone up until you have talked to them at least twice.

3. Most performance issues arise because either expectations are not clear, or the person isn’t aware of what they are doing or not doing. A purposeful conversation is the aspirin that solves 90% of this. Talk to your people first.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…