i A Reader Writes... (The Bizarre Meeting) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “The Bizarre Meeting,” a reader writes:


Any advice for those of us who aren’t at this level yet? I am guilty of trying to do it all instead of developing capacity in others. Give me some baby steps.”

SC Response
Here are some simple steps for building staff capacity. Of course, this isn’t an inclusive list.

1. As a leader, you must develop a concrete, articulated vision for what you want your organization to accomplish.

2. You need to work on making that vision measurable, at all levels of the organization.

3. You must constantly communicate that vision.

4. You must make staff members responsible for achieving their part of the vision.

5. You must give your staff the freedom and flexibility to achieve their part of the vision

6. You must confer with your staff on their progress. The key is coaching and problem solving without diminishing their ownership of their part of the vision.

7. Keep communicating, keep measuring, keep coaching and if need be, don’t be afraid to do some subtracting.

As a principal you are forced to constantly perform a high wire balancing act. You are ultimately responsible for your campus’ performance. You have to balance the needs of short term performance (you do everything) with the needs of long term performance (staff capacity building) on the fly. The most difficult piece is the transition. At some point you have to let go and cede some control to others. If you don’t, I won’t tell you that you won’t be successful (you are), you just won’t maximize your potential. Michael Jordan was a great pro basketball player, but he didn’t begin to win championships until he learned to trust his teammates.

That’s my starter list. Brezina, Brown, Richardson and the rest of the LYS Nation, what would you add or subtract?

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…