i Readers Write and Brezina Coaches - Lead Your School

The following were submitted after the post addressing the “loneliness” of leadership.

Reader #1 writes,
“SC, use spell check (lonley).”

SC Response
Got it. Fixed like it never happened. Thanks.

Reader # 2 writes,
“I totally agree that leadership is lonely and very stressful at times.”

SC Response
Yes, but when your team accomplishes something great, it makes it all worth it.

Finally, one of my coaches (Brezina) sends this,
“Here is real growth. You handled it like a professional, telling it like it is without killing anyone, good job.”

SC Response
I shared this, because when I’m on your campus and you feel like I’m being a little too honest, know that I get as good as I give. Though it sounds like a compliment, what is understood, is that prior interactions have not always gone as well.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…