i Sunday Advice - From an LYS Reader - Lead Your School

An LYS reader submitted the following piece of useful advice:

“I once heard a wise man say…ok, it was Sean….but wise nevertheless.

‘What you ignore, you condone.’

At times, I would get “too busy” to deal with the mundane issues such as what my teachers were wearing….after all I had student achievement to think about. Sean reminded me….by ignoring the behavior, I am condoning the behavior.

Now I take the time to correct the little things…because all the little things add up to compromise the environment and ultimately negatively impact student achievement.

How teachers dress, the clutter and disarray of their rooms, if they are consistently walking in 5 minutes late, “forgetting” to do duty or turn in reports…..these “small” things are big because they speak volumes to colleagues, parents, and kids about what you, as a leader, think is important.”

SC Response:
Send me your mailing address and I’ll send you your koozie.

Just a reminder for existing LYS readers and an invitation to new LYS readers, Sunday is advice day. Send me your favorite piece of advice and why, along with your mailing address. If I post it, I’ll send you a world famous Lead Your School can koozie.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…