i A Reader Writes... (Conference - Part 3) - Lead Your School

“My principal has provided my school the opportunity to work with Sean Cain for the past 3 years. We have implemented the many suggestions that he has provided, including the GAME ON system, and our school has seen a tremendous turn around. Administrator accountability, teacher accountability, and student accountability have all soared.

Sean and his team support school leaders in doing what we often ask teachers to do – CHANGE. It has not always been easy, and sometimes it has been REALLY hard. But, when any professionals from the outside (central office, other schools, universities, etc.) walk into our school (1000 students, bilingual, and 75% low SES), they are simply amazed.

I am proud to say that no one out works our administrators, teachers, or students. I come to school every day knowing that almost all of us are working towards the same goals – STUDENT SUCCESS in both academics and behavior. And those who aren’t quite with us on the same page receive constant attention, support and coaching.

During the past three years we have implemented many changes (and will continue to do so), and we are a hair’s breadth from being Exemplary on the TAKS. In terms on student behavior our students outperform the entire district. Currently we are Recognized, but not satisfied (and never will be). Much of this current success is based on suggestions Sean and his team have provided us.

I was able to hear Sean and Mike Laird at the Cy-Fair conference twice. If you were present at the last session on Friday, you were able to obtain some information that if implemented correctly will dramatically increase student performance. You were also able to witness the true passion Sean has for our craft. As I said earlier, Sean has been at my school numerous times, but this was the first time that I saw a different side to him while relaying his message and it was really special and motivating to see it.

Thanks for sharing your passion and providing this blog to post comments on a variety of topics!”

SC Response
First, thank you for the kind words. You give me too much credit for your success. I just made a few suggestions. You and your peers do all the heavy lifting. If you and the staff weren’t willing to work everyday to improve your craft, my suggestions would mean nothing.

Second, this reader’s school is a special place. I have yet to visit a campus that maintains a higher sense of instructional urgency, anywhere. When I worked for the state of Texas, I used this elementary school as a model school for low performing high schools. We would bring secondary school leaders and teachers from across the state to take notes and witness first hand what quality classroom instruction looks like. And they are much better now than they were then.

Third this school works smart: short-term common assessments; PowerWalks data; vertical teaming; Game On; etc. If you have read about something new or are thinking about doing something new, this campus is probably already doing it.

Fourth, this school knows its data and adapts accordingly. Last year they averaged less than five discipline referrals a week and missed being Exemplary by just four individual questions on the science test. How’s that for awareness?

Finally, yes – I actually was speechless at the end of that last presentation.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…