i A Reader Asks... (Who is Brezina) - Lead Your School

A reader writes and asks,

“I am a member of the Concordia University M. Ed. class that you spoke of. I have enjoyed reading your posts for the last three weeks. I have passed them along to the Administrative Team members at my school, too. I found out that my principal had just joined in a few weeks prior. It is nice to know that he’s continuing his professional development even though he’s already a principal. There have been recent posts about “Brezina.” The one in particular that I copied and put on my desk was your 5 things you learned from “Brezina Writes” on 5-28-09. I agree with all five items from your list. Can you tell me more about who Brezina is and where to find information about him?”

SC Response:
First, I’m glad that you have enjoyed the posts. What started as a way for a core group of about 4 change artists to keep up to date with what each other was doing has turned into a vibrant network of professionals that are interested in improving their campuses and leadership skills by sharing their thoughts, ideas, and observations. The fact that your principal is a reader is a good sign. Not because he reads this blog in particular, but because he is scanning the horizon, actively looking for ways to improve. Working for an active learner is always better than working for a reactionary idiot. At least that has been my experience.

Now to answer your question, “Who is Brezina?”

Bob Brezina is a retired superintendent. He had a storied career as a Texas superintendent for over 30 years. With him, there was no middle ground, you ran at full speed and did what was right for kids, or you didn’t work for him. He is also one of the most intense and intimidating superintendents I have ever met. Even in retirement, he works harder than most sitting superintendents, serving as the President of the United States Academic Decathlon, training school boards, coaching superintendents (not as unusual as you may think, the highest performers in every field have external coaches), and kicking his mentees in the butt when they need it. What you need to do is ask your Professor, Dr. Laird, to tell the class about the first time he met Mr. Brezina. That story encapsulates the much of the Brezina experience.

Think. Work. Achieve.

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