i A Reader Writes... (Not Getting The Job Done - Part 6) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “Who Really is Not Getting the Job Done – Part 3,” a reader writes:

“We just finished a search for a new Assistant Principal at my urban school. Our team leaders assisted the Administrative Team by interviewing each of the candidates. When I met with the team leaders for their input, several told me they were looking for an AP that would hold their feet to the fire. We have made significant progress over the last 3 years in raising our pass rate on The Texas state assessment TAKS test. Part of this success is because our Assistant Principals and I monitor our teachers closely, being sure they are on schedule, using our district’s curriculum and using our assessment data to guide instruction. I found it reassuring that GOOD teachers do want leadership that holds them accountable.”

SC Response
Most of us want to believe that our efforts are contributing to accomplishment of something meaningful. We recognize that leadership is critical for this to occur. Great leadership adds value to our work. Poor leadership wastes our time. That is why I have always chosen to work for individuals, not organizations. Bob Brezina is going to lead his organization in the accomplishment of great things. Shirley Neeley is going to make sure that her organization is a force of change. I want (need) to be on their teams. Small leaders with no vision and no mission other than to further themselves, I avoid like the plague.

As the reader alludes to in his comment, good teachers want a shot at being great. If just collecting a paycheck was their goal, there are lesser people that they could work for.

Think. Work. Achieve.

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