i A Reader Writes... (Not Getting The Job Done - Part 8) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “Who Really is Not Getting the Job Done – Part 6,” a reader writes:

“The great thing about this blog is that it gives me hope. I have worked at some tough schools and I am relieved to hear of teachers wanting someone to hold people’s feet to the fire. Leadership begins in the classroom and on this blog I am seeing a different side of classroom leadership.”

SC Response
After three years, the quality of the teaching staff mirrors the quality of the leadership staff. Great teachers seek out great leaders and poor teachers shun them. Good teachers seek out good leaders, shying away from great leaders (because they are hard to work for if you are not willing to do whatever it takes to be great) and shunning poor leaders. Poor teachers gravitate towards poor leaders because there little to no expectation for consistent quality. When any warm body will do, any warm body will show up.

What this means for us as leaders (from department chairs to superintendents) is that we have to look at our staff and look at ourselves. If we don’t like what we see in our staff, we have to change first. Unless you are the perpetual poor leader, in that case, you will continue to live by the “do as I say, not as I do model.”

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…