i A Reader Writes... (A Fatal Flaw - Part 5) - Lead Your School

In response to the post “A Fatal Flaw,” and the subsequent comments, a reader writes:

“…professional development is a necessary means to document that you have tried everything you can for an employee before showing them the door. Not to mention, if it is thoughtful and relevant, it can be very useful!

With my hyper-monitoring this year, our math scores went from acceptable to exemplary. Five teachers have been given the opportunity to explore other career options and student discipline has been given an extreme make-over.

This is what happens when a green, jar-head, rookie vice principal implements the Cain principles without exception. My military background says that you cannot do everything either, you have to delegate and have people you can trust around you, because they will make you shine, or blot out your sun…”

SC Response
I appreciate the props, but they are not solely my principles. It is basic, common sense leadership. Communicate your intent and expectations. Provide resources, monitoring, coaching and frequent feedback. Support those who are working to further organizational goals. Remediate and/or remove those that do not. Focus on student performance and remember that the “easy” kids will learn in spite of you, the tough ones learn because of you.

Think. Work. Achieve.

Your turn…