In a recent meeting with a superintendent, the discussion moved to the quality of the principal corp in the district. For the most part, she was satisfied with their performance this year, but one principal in particular was troubling her. This was an experienced principal that seems to have all the tools to be exceptional, yet isn’t.
My impression of the principal, which I shared, was this: In spite of all his talk to the contrary, this principal is loyal to his staff first, his students second.
Is loyalty to your staff a bad thing? No, but as E. Don Brown points out, “the only person positioned to be a pure advocate for students, is the building principal.”
When you have a principal that refuses to embrace that role, you get a campus that just doesn’t seem to run on all cylinders, even when results aren’t bad.
As for what the superintendent is going do, probably nothing right now. But I can assure you that the principal in question is now on the superintendent’s radar. And this superintendent, is a huge fan of E. Don.
Work. Think. Achieve.
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