While we are waiting for the new site, I added a new feature to the blog. Since I am new to blogging and as some of the readers have reminded me, so are they – I will explain the features that are attached to each post.
Note: This section relates to the blog site (not the e-mail updates).
1. If you enter your e-mail address in the subscribe box, you will get a daily e-mail update of all the postings within the last 24 hours.
2. If you click on a post title, it will pull up a comment box at the end of the post. Just type in your comment and click the “post comment” button.
3. At the bottom of each post, click “comment” and you can leave a comment or read comments others have left. However, the majority of the comments, I post under the heading, “A Reader Writes.”
4. At the bottom of each post, click the envelope if you want to e-mail that post to another person.
5. At the bottom of each post, if you click a “Label” work, it will pull up all the other posts that have the same label words.
6. At the bottom of the post, there are reaction boxes. You get to rate the post.
7. In the school news section on the left, click on any of the three key words and current news stories will be displayed.
8. RSS Feeds – I don’t have a clue. Can anyone out there explain it?
9. Followers – Again, no clue. Can anyone out there explain it?
Note: This section relates to the E-mail updates.
1. If you click on “Lead Your School”, it will take you to the web site.
2.If you click on a post title, it will take you to the post and there will be a comment box at the bottom of the screen. Just type in your comment and click the “post comment” button.
Think. Work. Achieve.
Your turn