i A Reader Writes... (Gant Wisdom 1 - Part 2) - Lead Your School

In response to the post, “Gant Wisdom,” a reader writes:

“Great advice and I totally believe it. But how do you handle it when you are on a team with people with issues and you have to work together?”

SC Response
Your “easy” questions are always the most difficult to answer. Context is always the critical issue. The problem you present is always easier to solve in theory than in practice. And by that I mean if you work with a toxic jerk, you are just better off avoiding the cancer until leadership is forced to address the situation.

But let’s assume the other person has some redeeming qualities. When that is the case, stay focused on the task at hand and work to find common ground. If you have to plan together, use Schmoker’s 30 minute planning agenda. It is a very scripted process that strips away most of the opportunities for chit-chat and griping. You go in, you work, and you get out.

If the issue is philosophical, stay focused on student performance and results. What is better, phonics or whole language? I don’t care as long as my kids can read.

If the issue is that the other person is jealous or lazy, just out work them. That person won’t be happy until you are slower or worse than they are. You and your students deserve better.

I hope I touched on your issue. If not, send me a follow up. How but you, LYS Nation? Any ideas?

Think. Work. Achieve.

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