i A Reader Writes... (Yes, I Know the Hours are Long - Part 16) - Lead Your School

In response to the 11/11/2010 post, “Yes, I Know the Hours are Long – Part 5,” a LYS Principal writes: SC, You obviously touched a sore spot. When people reply this negatively, I always refer back to why we are in this business. I have always advocated doing whatever it takes to help the kids be successful, no matter how long it takes. When students beam with pride when I helped them be successful it makes all the time and work worth it. They will never forget your help, even when they are adults. SC Response You are dancing around my vocation / avocation position. If teaching is my vocation, much of my definition of success is egocentric. How much do I get paid, how much time off do I get, how much credit do I get, etc. A vocation is primarily an economic equation; in exchange for you giving me that, I will give you this. If the balance of the equation shifts in any direction, one side will immediately become dissatisfied. An avocation is intrinsic equation. The product of my labor provides me with a benefit greater that the cost of my labor. When teaching is my avocation, success is defined by the success of my students (or in my particular case, the reduction of failure). If teaching is your vocation, this does not make you a bad person or even a bad teacher. You just have to recognize that when the economic equation shifts, you are much more sensitive to this than your differently motivated peers. And when the economics cannot be changed, your complaints are as useful as complaining about the weather Think. Work. Achieve.Your turn…Visit the LYS Booth at the TASA Mid-winter Conference