A reader asks: SC, I would like to find out the new statues regarding elementary school discipline (Texas). What sites do you suggest that would be most beneficial? Thank you. SC Response The “go to” source for you is the T.E.A website. Student discipline is addressed in Texas Education Code, Chapter 37. In my opinion, Chapter 37 is required reading for all school administrators. Additionally, you can check with the Texas Association of School Boards for policy recommendations that align with the statute. I would like to point out two sections of the statute that are of relevance to all elementary schools. 37.001 (8) A Student Code of Conduct provides, as appropriate for students at each grade level, methods, including options, for: (A) Managing students in the classroom and on school grounds; (B) Disciplining students; and (C) Preventing and intervening in student discipline problems, including bullying, harassment, and making hit lists. 37.006 (F)(f) Removal of an elementary student: Subject to Section 37.007(e), a student who is younger than 10 years of age shall be removed from class and placed in a disciplinary alternative education program under Section 37.008 if the student engages in conduct described by Section 37.007. An elementary school student may not be placed in a disciplinary alternative education program with any other student who is not an elementary school student. Now, for a couple of recommendations: 1. Student discipline is all about pre-teaching expectations and coaching students to be successful. It has nothing to do with punishment. 2. Student discipline is all about maximizing recognition and reinforcement of the behaviors we want to see. And minimizing the recognition and reinforcement of the behaviors we don’t want to see. 3. The elementary brain is hard wired to process positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is not processed effectively or efficiently. Meaning that punishment is a waste of time. 4. The longer the student is removed from the classroom the further he or she falls behind. It spite of the convenient lie that we tell the public, and ourselves, there is no academic acceleration in discipline settings. The best that you can hope for is that focused remediation is provided. 5. The best adult revenge is for the student to successfully do his or her work. Any solution that facilitates that result in the shortest amount of time is the definition of win/win. I hope this helps you. Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/4ydqd4t Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation