Here are a couple of recent quick hitter comments from the LYS Nation After reading the 8/15/11 post, “Top LYS Tweets From the Week of August 7, 2011,” a reader writes: Amen to the roadblocks issue! After reading the 8/17/11 post, “Student vs. Teacher Data,” a LYS Superintendent writes: Great post today, Sean. Maybe not your most elegant prose, you’ve said it much more succinctly when you say (and I’m paraphrasing) that student performance is the lagging indicator and the leading indicator is teacher effectiveness. After reading the 9/8/11 post, “Quit With the Early Benchmark,” a LYS Principal writes:Repeatedly weighing the herd doesn’t make them gain weight! After reading the 9/8/11 post, “Quit With the Early Benchmark,” a LYS Assistant Superintendent writes: Oh, Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…. the cheese is molding.After reading the 9/16/11 post, “LYS Followers?,” Brezina writes: This is one blog post that deserves a big “AMEN.” Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn… Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on! Follow Sean Cain and LYS on Come visit us at the LYS Booth at the TASA/TASB Fall Conference on 9/30/11 and 10/1/11 Attend the LYS presentations at the Texas School Improvement Conference on 10/26/11 and 10/27/11
Happy Birthday to the Blog (February 16, 2009)
Happy Birthday to the Blog That’s right LYS Nation, our daily conversation is 11-years old today. It alternately feels like…