A LYS Assistant Superintendent share the following:
Clearly, our Governor does not want a school person to be appointed to the Commissioner’s position. We now have a lifetime politician, with no training in how schools operate, function, meet teaching/learning requirements, or how to support our teachers. However, he was the Railroad Commissioner and knew about the same in dealing with oil and gas as he does education! We need someone with an education-based skill set like Mike Moses. Is this truly a fresh approach? Or is it yet another political appointee that will further the agenda of Governor Perry and his friends?
Perry has no instincts of what school is all about. I can see him asking, “Commissioner Williams, what do you think about education?”
And our new Commissioner will reply, “Well, I think everyone should have one.”
I am fearful of our future. Beware of Perry, Dewhurst, Patrick and the voucher people.
SC Response I have no problem admitting that I gave up on Perry a long time ago. It is quite clear by his actions that not only does he want to dismantle public education, he also has no respect or appreciation for educators who have dedicated their entire careers to improving the lot of all children, regardless of their background. I know little about the new Commissioner, but to believe that he is the most qualified person for the position is difficult to swallow. Without question this appointment is a purely political move and as educators our only recourse is to quit voting for Perry and his anti-public school allies.
What I find most disturbing about our current situation is that fifteen years ago, one of my mentors, Dr. Richard Hooker, predicted this with almost 100% accuracy. Now I have to admit, to both him and the world, that he was right and I was wron…
Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…
- Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/Fundamental5
- Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “Look at Me: A Cautionary School Leadership Tale” Individual copies available on Amazon.com! http://tinyurl.com/lookatmebook
- Now at the Apple App Store: Fun 5 Plans (Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan Tool); PW Lite (Basic PowerWalks Tool); PW Pro (Mid-level PowerWalks Tool)
- Upcoming Presentations: Region 10 ESC Fall Leadership Conference (Keynote), Advancing Improvement in Education Conference (Multiple Presentations), TASSP Assistant Principals’ Workshop (Featured Speaker), North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals (Keynote), American Association of School Administrators Conference (Multiple Presentations), National Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (Multiple Presentations)
- Follow Sean Cain and LYS on www.Twitter.com/LYSNation