As we move into the last half of January, the LYS crew will be present at a number of big events. We will have a booth at the Oklahoma Principal’s Mid-Winter Conference and I will present at three sessions. We will also have a booth at the Texas Association of School Administrators Mid-Winter Conference. We don’t present at that conference because we have planning meeting with senior administrative teams from districts across the state. If you haven’t scheduled yours yet, we are almost completely booked. Call Jo (number below) if you want to reserve a slot. If you are new to the blog and are wondering if you should make the effort to stop by the booth or sit in on a presentation, below are some audience comments from our last presentation:

  • I thought the Fundamental 5 training did an excellent job of reminding us to not get caught up in all of the hoopla but rather to remember the foundations of teaching and work together in order to become better educators.
  • The Fundamental 5 presentation was very informative. I liked the way effective instructional strategies were broken down into an easy to understand and common sense approach.
  • Cain was very uplifting and had really interesting ideas about how to focus a lesson and get students to focus on what they are learning.
  • The training was relevant to the student population that I work with. I was able to use what I learned in the presentation yesterday in my classroom today.
  • I actually enjoyed it! Cain presented information that will actually be helpful in the classroom.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed Cain and think his ideas should be implemented everywhere in the district!
  • The speaker was very informative about good teaching practices. He was a very engaging speaker.

Think. Work. Achieve. Your turn…

  • Call Jo at (832) 477-LEAD to order your campus set of “The Fundamental 5: The Formula for Quality Instruction.” Individual copies available on!
  • Follow Sean Cain and LYS on
  • Get the Fundamental 5 Lesson Plan App at the App Store – Fun 5 Plans
  • Confirmed 2012 Presentations: Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principal’s Mid-Winter Conference; Region 16 ESC Leadership Academy (Keynote Address); NASSP Conference; NASB Conference